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Born:April 12, 1945
Hettinger, N.D.
Died:January 18, 2006
Hettinger, N.D.

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Neil Erlan Wolff was born April 12th, 1945 at Hettinger, ND to Ragnhild & Arthur C. Wolff of Haynes, ND.  He graduated from Hettinger High School in 1964. He completed schooling for Diesel Mechanics at North Dakota State School of Science, in Wahpeton, ND.

In 1965, he joined the National Guard, and completed basic training at Ft. Bragg, NC with advanced training at Ft. Belvior, VI. He was an active guard member with units in Hettinger, ND, Lemmon, SD and Rapid City, SD.

On October 13th, 1984 he married the love of his life, Debbie M. Schlosser. They had four children, Tressa Marie, born Feb. 5, 1985, Trina Lynn, born July 5, 1986, Trevor Neil, born Nov. 20, 1987 and Trisha Rae, born May 24, 1991.
Neil's 12th birthday
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~1960...(L-R) Neil, Evelyn, Jerome, Lynn, Beatta, Brian, Ragnhild, Keith, Arthur, Leann, Orville
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Neil's High School Graduation
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1990? - Clockwise - Lynn, Brian, Keith, Orville, Neil, Evelyn, Beatta, Leann
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1997 - (Clockwise) Keith, Orville, Neil, Lynn, Brian, Evelyn, Leann, Beatta
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Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

The first time I met Neil I was 8. My family had taken the first trip to the farm and had gotten stuck on Gumbo Hill. Dad hiked into the farm and before long, out came a tractor. Neil got into our car to steer it into the farm. I asked him what they did when the tractor got stuck and he said, "We just go get another tractor to pull the first one out."
Added by Christy Dennis
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