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Born:July 13, 1952
Temple, Texas
Died:April 23, 2005
Scott & White, Temple, Texas

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Larry was a remarkable man & I will forever remember him. He was born to Covey Odell & Sadie Calhoun Wooley on July 13, 1952. He was a lifelong resident of Bell County. He married my mother, Brenda Elaine Snow, on August 25, 1983 and took her 4 children, Tim, Brandy, Darin and Amanda to raise as his own. They went on to have my little brother, Brent. He was an outdoors man and had a talent for making camp fires and grilling. He was a plumber for Pittman's Plumbing Company in Moody, Texas at the time of his death. He suffered a stroke in early 2004 and the doctors ignored his concerns of feeling numbness and tingling on his left side. They did not care about his illness because he did not have medical insurance. It was heartless of these doctors. They were so concerned about money that they let this wonderful man die. He suffered a massive stroke on the night of April 22,2005. At the hospital they were wonderful to him and our family. We were informed he was brain dead and my mother had to make the terrible decision to pull the plug the next day. We will never forget you Larry, and your love for family and life. Rest in Peace Dad!
Larry, Moma & Colby at the Brazos River
Added by Amanda Nadine

Larry (papa) & Colby
Added by Amanda Nadine

part of the bunch.JPG

Added by Brandy Elaine
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Personal Notes

Larry, It has been 8 months now that you have been gone. I still can't believe you aren't here. There are so many things I wish I could've told you, but I think you knew. You were very special to me & we had a father/daughter bond. I don't think I would be who I am today w/o your influence. I think of you daily & I miss you terribly. I do feel your presence with me alot. Anyone can be a father, it takes someone special to be a DAD! I love you!
Added by Amanda Nadine

Larry, it seems like just yesterday we lost you. I know my family misses you sooo much.The kids still talk about thier last visit w/ you. I know you don't hurt anymore but, our pain will never end.We miss you and Love you.
Added by The Shafer Family
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