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Died:April 7, 2003
Maryville, Tennessee

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Georgia came to our family in 1990 as did many of our other pets...she was dropped off at the library where my mom works.  Apparently the family she was living with could no longer keep her, so they hoped someone would take her home.  My mom called me and said that I need to come to my dad's office because she had something for me.  I was getting ready for work and not knowing what it was, asked if I could take it with me.  She said no, that I needed to come get it and take it home.  I pulled up at the college my dad was working at and saw my mom with this gray and white Old English Sheepdog.  Georgia immediatley became part of our family.  She was a good dog who would stand at the front door and watch you leave - she'd watch until she couldn't see you anymore.  She always knew when you were coming back, because she'd be at the door waiting - her nose making marks on the glass.  She was a part of our family almost 13 years and I will miss seeing her at the door and those little marks on the glass.  I will miss seeing her come back from the groomer's each spring with her fur cut so she'd be cool in the summer - little bows, sometimes they were orange for the Tennessee Volunteers, on her floppy ears.  She was missing a tooth on one side of her mouth which seemed to make her tongue hang out that one side.  I'll miss her dancing around when one of us got home - I never knew if it was because she was happy to see us or because she needed to go out.  I'll miss the way she would follow us around and curl up below our feet as we watched TV.  Or how she would crawl onto the end of the bed after we were asleep.  She slowed down as she got older, lost her hearing and most of her sight, but she would still get that spark of energy from time to time.  I'll miss hearing her claws on the hardwood floor and her dogtag clinking on the bowl as she ate.  I will miss the way she smelled and the way she looked at us with unconditional love.  Most of all I will miss her.  She was always faithful and always loving.
Georgia and Chester June 02bb.JPG
Georgia and her best pal, Chester
Added by Heather
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