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Born:February 21, 1961
Hamilton, Ohio
Died:January 26, 2006
Knox County Kentucky

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Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free. I'm following the path God has laid you see. I took his hand when I heard him call. I turned my back and left it all.

I could not stay another day. To laugh, to love, to work or play, tasks left undone must stay that way. I found that peace at the close of the day.

If my parting has left a void, then fill it with rememored joys. A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss. Oh yes, those things too I will miss.

Be not burdened with times of sorrow. I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow. My life's been full. I savored much, good friends, good times, and a loved one's touch.

Perhaps my time seened all too brief, don't lengthen it now with undue grief. Lift up your hearts and peace to thee.

God wanted me now; He set me free.


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