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Born:March 30, 1985
Cleveland, Ohio
Died:May 25, 2003
Cleveland, Ohio

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Larry Dean Allen, son of Rick Plum and Leona Allen, was a wonderful person. He is the brother of Mindy and Lee Plum and the grandson of Lee and Pat Allen and Jackie Guido and Beverly Plum.  He always made people laugh and smile. He always wanted everybody to have a lot of money and he wanted there to be peace everywhere. He was not the type to put others down but instead, become their friend. Larry had a lot of friends. He loves all his family and friends. He cared about us all. He believed in God and he went to church. He is loved and missed by so many people. I know that he is with God now. He had a good heart and was always friendly. He brought joy and happiness into many lives. He was always there for his friends. And was the best friend that anybody could have. He touched a lot of people's lives and we were all truly blessed to have known him.

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Personal Notes

We all love and miss you, Larry. Let God keep your soul forever.
Added by April B.
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