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Born:June 5, 1959
Carthage, Illinois
Died:February 1, 2006
Pittsboro, Indiana

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Born Ricci Ann Symmonds on June 5, 1959 in Carthage, Illinois to David and Develle.  She grew up in Pittsboro, Indiana with her two sisters Robyn and Pam.  Ricci attended Tri-West High School was a member of National Honor Society and graduated Valedictorian of her class in 1977.   After graduation she attended Indiana Business College.  She worked at Public Service Indiana until she took a job with Indianapolis Power and Light where she worked for 20 years.  

Ricci married Timothy Blacker on February 27, 1988.

She was President of Indianapolis Chapter of Executive Women’s International. She volunteered for the United Way Campaign as well as numerous other organizations.


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Personal Notes

I love you Ricci Ann and I am missing you terribly. I am going to miss our phone calls and hearing you laugh. You were my shining star...always there for me. The hole that you have left in my heart will remain until we meet again my beautiful sister. Rest Peacefully....In a field of Daffodils.
Added by Pam

Ricci..our family cheer leader. The one who always wanted everyone to be happy. You light has dimmed here on earth, but it shines brightly in heaven. We will never lose sight of all the love she gave to us. We will love her forever.
Added by Anonymous

We are so very sorry for your loss. Randy has told me about growing up with Ricci and her sisters. He told me how he went to school with her and rode back and forth together when they went to Indiana Business College. Randy thought very highly of Ricci and he and I are at a loss of words to say, except your family have been in our prayers. I met her several years ago, not long after Randy and I married. Please know we are praying for you.
Added by Randy (childhood friend) and Judy Pfeifer

I will miss you my friend from childhood,we consolded each other many times.Later in life a chance meeting and we would talk and reminence. Sometimes laugh and sometimes share tears,regrets,goodtimes. I will always be thankful that God put you and your family in my life.I will remember a time long ago, I was so sad and hurt , you lifted me up.You will always be in my heart. You will be missed.
Added by Ken

Ricci was such a giving and loving person. She could light up a room with her smile and loving personality. She will truly be missed by all who knew her.
Added by "Aunt" Fran

You are the lily of the valley
With eyes that glistened like stars in the sky
With a smile that warmed the soul
With a spirit that inspired and encouraged
With the heart and glow of an angel
Your kindness imparted hope and comfort
You humbly carried our burdens
Your understanding eased our pain
Your love transcends time and distance
All who knew you will remember and miss you daily

Added by Warren
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