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Born:March 10, 1989

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Sarah lived a life of abuse and hurt but had the enormous amount of courage to fight through and survive that abuse largely because she has her blessed Mother beside her and she was Sarah's one lifeline and will to live.  Unfortunately with her Mother's passing, Sarah made the decision that she too could no longer go on living in this life.  She is though with out a doubt with her Mom and her Dad who are all in heaven now.  Sarah was a junior in high school.  She had many friends.  She was a straight A student prior to her Mother's passing.  It was actually considered and hoped that she go to such highly respected colleges such as Yale, Harvard, or NYU.  She is survived by a God-Mother and two God-Baby Sisters and a couple other relatives who have never been in her life.
Personal Notes

To everyone who welcomed, spoke with, shared with, cared for, had concern for... Sarah... I take the honor here to thank you on behalf of not only myself, her God-Mother, but also for her Mother and Father who could not be here then.
You are welcome to leave a personal note if you wish.
Sarah will never be gone. She lives on. She lives on mostly for my two babies... they loved her so much as did I.

Added by Em
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