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Born:February 13, 1919
Holland, Michigan
Died:February 12, 2006
Denver, Colorado

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Rev. Nick Vogelzang was a beloved minister in the Christian Reformed Church and the father of seven children.
Reverend Nicholas Vogelzang, age 87, passed away to be with his eternal Heavenly Father on Sunday, Feb. 12, 2006 at his home at Porter Place in Denver, Colorado. He leaves his wife of 16 years Eleanor Bergsma Vogelzang. Pastor Nick was blessed with 7 children, 18 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren. His funeral will be at Seattle Christian Reformed Church at 11am on Saturday Feb. 18.

Nick Vogelzang was born in Holland, Michigan, the third child of John & Clara. He served in the US Navy during WWII, later attending Calvin College and Seminary, graduating in 1955 as a minister of the Christian Reformed Church.

He married Katherine Ribbens in 1948, and served as pastor to congregations in Salt Lake City, Ogden, Brigham City, Utah as a home missionary. He was minister of 1st CRC of Lansing Illinois, 1st Sheldon & Newton CRC’s in Iowa and Bellevue Washington. He was preceded in death by Kay in 1989.

In retirement he worked for The Bible League and Worldwide Christian Schools. He organized Christ for Russia in 1992. He continued to preach and lead devotions, and inspire others in their faith. “To God be the Glory!”

His children are: Nicholas Vogelzang MD, of Summerlin, NV, Robert Vogelzang MD, of Chicago, IL; Mark Vogelzang of Jericho, VT; Kathleen Groen RN, of Shoreline, WA; Philip Vogelzang MD, of Seattle, WA; Michael Vogelzang of Lexington, MA; and Mary Vogelzang RN of Seattle.

Expressions of condolence can be made to the International Theological Evangelical Ministries (ITEM) and the Alzheimer’s Association. Arrangements by Acacia Funeral Home, Seattle.

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