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Born:December 4, 1927
Heflin, Alabama
Died:December 23, 2005
Anniston, Alabama

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Mother was a very funny person, smart and witty. Every thing she told you would come true, and you had better listen. If she scented something was wrong with her children she would call you up just to make sure everything was ok. She grew up in the 20's and could sit you down and tell you all about how she grew up, from milking cows to working in the fields, to sleeping on hay sacks. I loved to hear her tell how she and her sister would have to walk to school, and to church. Before there were cars it was a mule and a buggy. lol But being the youngest of 6 children and not really being with my older brother and sister, I grew up with her grandchildren, she was 42 when I was born, and there is a 11 year age different between my youngest brother and me, but I can rember when I was growing up mother was always there for me even, when I grew up and had children of my own. Mother was my best friend and I loved her so much. She was the oldest of 4 girls, and always said she worked like a man. And she did. Always had to have her flowers, plants planted at a certain time of the year. She loved flowers. Of course her furns would get a little ragged out but she would baby them as much as she could. Her death came so sudden to us. We were no prepared for her to be going so soon. Because she always told us she would live to be 100 and never die. Boy did we hope that she did. But she passed away on December the 23rd. What a wonderful Christmas present God got, but we didn't. We buried her on the 28th of December, which was my Daddy's Birthday, and what a WONDERFUL Birthday present he got. Mother was loved by so many people. She had so many friends, she never met a stranger. Her funny cackle she would make when she laugh. I miss that so much. And most of all you had better keep your shoes clean. Mother always had to wash her tennis shoes, so they would stay clean. She would always tell me "Penny bring me them boy's shoes so I can wash them, they are so dirty, and get me yours too." I could never understand why she did that, but now I do. It's because she cared. It is hard to believe that she is gone, but I know she is in a better place. She is not suffering any more, She has

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