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Born:December 17, 1954
New Jersey
Died:March 2, 2006

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Kathy was the most generous person that anyone ever knew.  She would give you the shirt off of her back if you needed it.  She was always bringing little presents just to say "I love you" or "I'm thinking of you."  She touched more lives than you or I could ever have guessed when she was alive. Even in death, she still gave everything that she had to give.  Many people will benefit from her external organs as well as the memories that we all shared with her that will last a lifetime.  Most importantly, if you were sick, she'd give you some of her tea to cheer you up.
Savannah and Grandma.JPG

Added by Anonymous

Savannah and Grandma 2.jpg

Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

I never really got the chance to say it while Mom was alive, so here goes nothing. Mom, I have learned so much because of Savannah. I've learned that parents really do make mistakes and that it's okay. I just wanted you to know that I respect everything that you did for us and forgive you for all the mistakes and bad times that we went through. I hope you can forgive me for everything too. I love you. I really miss you too.
Added by Amy
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