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Born:March 3, 1914
Dublin, Texas
Died:March 15, 2006
Dover, Tennessee

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A mother to Veda Darlene Burnett and the deceased Patrick Henry Eddleman.  The grandmother to Mark Eddleman married to Cindy and David Eddleman (deceased), Morgan Burnett married to Denise, Brady Burnett married to Tara, Brian Burnett married to Shelly, and Jonathon Burnett.  Florence was known as Grandma "Cheerio" to her great-grandchildren:  Dillon Eddleman, _________ Eddleman, Logan Burnett, Sarah Burnett, Lane Burnett, Julia Burnett and ___________ Burnett. 

Florence was known for her beautiful quilts and her warm afghans. All her children experienced her generosity thru out her years.

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