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Born:March 3, 1965
Died:February 20, 2006

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Christine had so much faith, in spite of Her body racked with pain , encouraged her family, her friends and all she met to continue to look towards where all hope began and ended.
through it all, she believed in the power and the promises of the Word…she just kept on loving God anyway. I guess there’s no way to describe someone like that without running out of adjectives.”
The light she left now holds , her children and grandchild, her brothers, and her sister. The glow from it is wrapped around her aunts and her uncle,and her friends, and all her relatives. The brightness that surrounds everywhere, is her love too. As much love as Christine brought with her to heaven can never equal what she left on earth.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

You were so full of life,
Always smiling and carefree,
Life loved you being a part of it,
And I loved you being a part of me.
You could make anyone laugh,
If they were having a bad day,
No matter how sad I was,
You could take the hurt away.
Nothing could every stop you,
Or even make you fall,
You were ready to take on the world,
Ready to do it all.
But God decided he needed you,
So from this world you left,

Added by Sister Sherry
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