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Born:June 10, 2003
Willard, Ohio
Died:June 10, 2003
Willard, Ohio

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Nicholas James was born an angel on June 10, 2003 at 27 weeks.. He lost him to a placental abruption that was missed by a doc who did his u/s at 23 weeks.. He is a son, a brother, a grandson, a nephew and a cousin.. He is loved and very much missed.. Not a day goes by that mommy and daddy dont wish that he was here, to watch him grow. to wipe his tears to hear his laughter, and to hold him in thier arms.. Mommy loves to hear his name, though there my be tears it touches mommy's heart to know that others remembers her baby thats up in heaven..
Picture 001.jpg
Big sister Caitie and Nicholas
Added by mommy
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Personal Notes


No matter how much time passes, mommy will always love you and miss you so much.. Mommy still cries for you and i always will.. Until the day i get to hold in my arms again i will dream of you.. forever in my heart my little one..

Added by mommy
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