Born June 6, 1954 to Howard and Valerie Mason, she was immediately Daddy's girl and her Mama's pride and joy. She had 2 older brothers that she remained close to all of her life. She also, had a special bond with her 2 nephews, Rob and Greg Mason, the sons of her oldest brother Bobby and a sister-in-law who she concidered to be the sister she always wanted. She and older brother Roger by 4 years spent a little more of there childhood bonding due a 10 gap between herself and Bobby. Roger and Roxanne were connected at the heart and she shared a true and friendship with his wife Susan. She adoraded their daughters Julie and Amy Beth Mason. She also later enjoyed spoiling great nephew Austin and great neices Kylie, Hayley, and Mallory. But her true calling certainly was motherhood. She gave birth to a son Garland Matthew Lee "Matt" and a daughter Amanda Hope Lee "Mandie" in her first marriage. In a later marriage to Danny Griffith, she didn't hesitate in calling 2 additional children "hers" a "son" Daniel Ray & dauhgter *"Darla" (*a relationship she was especially proud of becuase if took work and lots of love and patience. It was a precious acceptence for her)Then hte Grand children stole her very heart all 9 of them Dillon, Kailyn, Cortney, Dusty, Shane, Janey, Ryan,and Brittney. Then 4 months after her unexcepected death in 2005 the 10th grand child stole ours. Born on what would have been Roxanne's 51st birthday a grand daughter she excepting was born and the spitting image of Roxanne herself. Her life was not perfect Lupus took her from us after over a twenty year battle. But she aged like anyone that knew would except her too. Gracefully and beautiful. Flawless beauty is what and generosity desrcibe very well. There is a whole in this family that hurts to the vey core. We treasure our memeories and live on in her spirit the best we can without her here but we will always keep her very close to our hearts.