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Born:June 24, 1936
Mt. Royal, NJ
Died:November 29, 2003
Paulsboro, NJ

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Myrna was the sister of Malloy Askin, Arnold, Maurice, Norman, Willis, Andre, Gene, George and Wanda Bay. Her parents were Miriam and Hector Bay. Born in Mt. Royal, Myrna grew up in Paulsboro. She spent many happy times at her Aunt Ida and Uncle Joe Gentilini's farm in Landesville. 
She graduated from Paulsboro High school.
Myrna married the love of her life, George "Drip" Nothdurft, on September 17, 1955. She had three children: George Jr., Terri, and April.
Myrna was a devoted supporter of Paulsboro High School football. She was an avid fan of the Philadelphia Flyers.
A lifelong member of St. James Episcopal Church, Paulsboro, Myrna was a member of the ECW and former member of the vestry. She served as ECW President for a time.
Myrna was also a former member of the George C. Patton VFW, Post 678 Ladies Auxillary of Paulsboro.
Myrna enjoyed reading and doing puzzles. She loved her faithful companion Sassy. She loved taking car rides with Drip to enjoy the countyside, and dining out.
Myrna was the beloved and devoted Mom-Mom of her 5 grandchildren- Jeremy Jones, George "Sonny" Nothdurft,III, Daniel Manning, Tracy Zieger, and Raymond Zieger, III.
Myrna battled lung cancer for 7 months. Myrna was cared for by the compassionate nurses of Heartland Hospice. She went home to Heaven on November 29, 2003, surrounded by her loving husband and children.
school days.jpg

Added by Anonymous

Easter-newly married
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

"All that I am, or ever hope to be, I owe to my angel Mother."
Added by April Zieger
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