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Born:April 13, 1946
Puerto Rico
Died:September 3, 2002
Bronx, NY

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Dad, where do I begin... Although we had our ups & downs, I love & loved you dearly. You were a strict dad, I see now why. You were always the life of all our family parties & get togethers. You were a great cook. Mom, Cindy, Christopher & Boobie miss you dearly. He will do right by you don't worry & I am a tough cookie. The best for last, your 1st & only grandchild, Amanda Eve although you never got to meet her she has got some of you in her. She looks like our side of the family & boy she is a also a toughy & she is only 3 years old now. We know you are watching over all of us especially Amanda. God bless you, you are dearly & truly missed by all of us. Especially Amanda it's so amazing she never met you but when she sees your picture or we talk about you or she visits you at the cemetery it's like she has always known you. She has been the reason to keep all of us strong & driven. This is my way of keeping your memory alive. I hope you like it. Loving you always & forever your oldest 1st born daughter Wendy... Hugs & Kisses!!!
Dad Grandpa.jpg
Dad & Grandpa
Added by Wendy
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Personal Notes

You are truly loved & missed...
Added by Wendy
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