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Born:May 21, 1960
Milwaukee, Wisconsin
Died:November 28, 1994
Portgage, Wisconsin

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Jeffrey Lionel Dahmer was born into this world at 4.34pm May 21st, 1960 at Milwaukee's Evangelical Deaconess Hospital. Jeffrey lead a normal childhood with two parents who loved and adored him. Jeff was like any boy his age climbing trees and coming home dirty.He was very shy while growing up but he eventually grew out of it.His family moved into a house surrounded by forest where young Jeff could get lost in his own world of make believe. Jeffery should have reached a point in his life where he would want to enjoy the good times in life and the company of friends but he withdrew into himself and kept his life somewhat of a secret. Jeffrey became a serial killer and died while in prison. Many of those who had known Jeffrey, in his young, thirty-four years, say that he was a very charismatic and charming man. Maybe Jeffrey's mind was in the wrong place(s) but his heart was where it should've been. 


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*Jeffrey was actually born in Bath Township, Ohio. Sorry for the mishap.
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