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Died:April 8, 1993

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Troy, You were one wild guy, but you always had a heart of gold.  I will never forget the first time that I met you. I knew you were hurting, but if only I had put kirty and everything aside, I may have been able to help you, as you did me.  I remember all of our late , sometimes all night talks, you were there for me when I needed someone.  You may have been Kirt's friend, but you saw what was going on and what he would miss in the years to come.  You knew.  Sometimes I go to your grave just to tell you things about Shea.  He is awesome.  He looks just like you, other than the blond hair, but he walks through my door sometimes, and I am taken back to sixteen.  I miss you everyday, just like I know that especially Kirt, Joey, and Jimmy Do.  Nathan is so big now, just like Troy, He looks just like my dad, but so much of who he is is Kirt- I wish he could have known you the way I did.  And yes, I wish he could have even seen "The Dump".  Haha.  I have grown very close to Kirt over the last fifteen years, I only wish Nathan could have,  You always told me Kirt would be there in the end, I still believe that.  I wish that I could hold you one more time, there are so many things I would have said, you were a true friend.  I am so thankful that I see Troy, He is such a big part of my memories of you.  He has a lot of your charicteristics.  You know, I have lots of great memories of all of our partying, times at your mom's, the dump, Kirt's, all kinds of places, but most of all, I remember your loyalty.  Not only to Kirt, but to me and NAthan too.  I just wish you hadn't left me, or any of us- I would live Nathan to know you.  Jim has this picture of you guys, a poloroid- you, Yimmie, Kirt, Joey and Klink, Ibelieve.  Jim used to have it hanging in his bedroom, and it always made me smile- actually, it may have been at Springer's- who by the way is still Springer.  I guess that I have wanted to get this out for a long time- I loved you, I still do - you were someone so special in my life, and you still are.  I do wish you hadn' felt you needed to leave us so soon, be I will always love you.  I make sure that Troy knows how wonderful you are, as well as Nathan.  He needs to know that someone other than me was on hos side.  I love you Troy Krull, I know that you have found peace, I just wish it could have been with us for so much longer.

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