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Born:January 28, 1936
Glasgow, Scotland
Died:October 22, 2005
Glasgow, Scotland

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This memorial is dedicated to my love loving grandfather who passed suddenly but peacefully on the 22nd of October 2005. John was a husband to the late Phylis, father to Richard, Eric, Andrew, John and Michael.  He was a grandfather and also a great grandfather.

Although we never got to say goodbye to him, we all know that he is still around us each and every day watching over and protecting us.

He created a very large family that will continue to grow for many generations and may the watson family continue to expand and keep up with my grandfathers greatest achievement which was creating life.

Goodnight Granda, until we meet again

Lots of love Andrea XXXXXXXXXXXX
My granda with some members of the family
Added by Andrea Watson
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Granda, you were a very sprecial man who will be sadly missed but never forgotton. Sleep well all my love Andrea. XXXXX
Added by Andrea Watson

Granda, it has been nearly a year since you passed away. I often visit your grave just to have a wee gab with you. Jordan still asks for you he doesnt understand where you have went, i have tryed to explain that you are in heaven with all the angels watching and protecting us. I love you so much and wish that you were not taken from us!!
Added by andrea
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