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Born:August 19, 1987
Winston Salem, North Carolina
Died:January 5, 2006
Candor, New York

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Travis was my best friend, My brother... He would do anything for just about anyone... He was fun to be around... He loved his job, his family and friends. He ended his life on 1*05 that was the saddest day ever... He will alwayz live on!! We love you
My Pictures.jpg
Summer 05 NC
Added by Anonymous

My Pictures0018.jpg
Me Trav Grandpa Summer 05 NC
Added by Stephanie
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

My brother was my other half... I miss you Trav
Added by Stephanie

You are missed We love you
Added by Anonymous

Travis was a great friend of mine and a great person at heart. We did a lot of crazy stuff together lol, i hope wherever he is, it is peaceful. -Jake Radewan (Idaho)
Added by Idaho

Although many will miss your mom back here on Earth, you are reunited with her. Peace to the both of you. Much love to the family.
Added by Anonymous
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