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Born:May 15, 2006
Died:May 15, 2006

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BUSH, Wayne Allen- infant son of Matthew and Teresa “TC” Bush was stillborn at Hendersonville Medical Center in Hendersonville, TN on May 15, 2006. He Weighed 6 lbs 10oz and was 21”. He is survived by his parents, Matthew and TC of Cottontown, TN; his Grandparents Dennis & Betty Jo Bush of White House, TN and Ken and Bonnie Benson of Cortland, IL; Great Grand-Mothers Martha Eller of Adairville, KY and Dorothy Benson of Cortland, IL; his aunts, uncles & Cousins, Clifford, Susan, Luke & Sophie Benson of Sycamore, IL and Charles, Janice, Brooke & Blake Benson of Apex, NC. Graveside Services were held Friday, May 19th in Cross Plains Cemetery in Cross Plains, TN with Bro. Ron Lowery

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Personal Notes

My silent child
our precious baby,
Close to my heart
I'll keep you with me.
An important job
God has for you,
There is love to give,
and work to do.

He needs an angel
strong but small,
To shine light on many
and give love to all.
Before you go
I give you this,
half my heart
and one last kiss.

We'll miss you dearly
that we know,
But by God you were
So to heaven, you must go

Added by Silent Child by Kelly Lancor
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