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Born:March 29, 1951
west virgina
Died:November 15, 2005
detriot mi

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This memorial website was created in the memory of our loved one, Danny Tolliver who was born in Virginia on March 29, 1951 and passed away on November 15, 2005 at the age of 54. We will remember him forever. He is a father of four children  three girls on boy  dawn tinkler age 29 danielle tolliver 27 and danny ray tolliver ii age 19 and tracy tolliver age 16.he always left behind his wife lura tolliver and brothers and sisters brothe jimmy and brother shawn and sister sissy and bonnie  many nephews and nieces and cousions and 6 grand children names are joshua tinkler .jesse preze,anthony preze,cindy preze,samantha preze,and sarah preze

He was loved by many he will be greatly missed he was a funny kinded hearted but very stubborn man he was stuck in his way but he lived a full live he married my mother young and divorced you then remarried untill he passed away
he seen and been many places he was in the miltary he was in japan and place like that he lived in mi untill his death
he has lived in cali and he was born in west virgina
he also has missed many things he never got to meet five of his grandkids and the ones to come he never got to walk any of his girls down the aisle he wont see his son grow up to be a man but i know he will be watching from heaven and he will be loved forever
and he will live in all our hearts

Added by Anonymous

my sister tracy.jpg

Added by Anonymous

my dad.jpg

Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I once knew a man,Who gave love at his best,Who did what he believed was right.I once knew a man,Who suffered uncontrollably,Who found out how much he was loved.I once knew a man,Who gave everything he could,Until he couldn't go on.The man I once knew,I will always remember,As my daddy.I love you wherever you are.

Added by dawn tinkler

God looked around his garden,
And found an empty place.
He then looked down upon the earth,
And saw your tired face.
He put his arms around you,
And lifted you to rest;
God's garden must be beautiful-
He always takes the best.
He knew that you were suffering,
He knew you were in pain;
He knew that you would never
get well on earth again.
He saw the road was getting rough
And hills were hard to climb
So he closed your weary eyelids
and whispered, "Peace be thine."

Added by Anonymous
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