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Born:September 19, 1969
Died:June 3, 2006
Sale, Trafford

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Well what can i say about this man. Sanny was such an easy going person he never hurt anyone always around to lend a hand if anyone needed he would go out of his way to help anyone that is the kind of person he was dont get me wrong he had his moments where he could be sooooooo difficult and frustrating but that was mainly with family he would get like that. He was so good with my kids and so was Maria his wife my sister-in-law she was at the birth of my second daughter and they both are godparents to my first daughter my third daughter she was loved by them as much as the others.This summer will be strange for my girls because every summer they had days out with sanny & mia but this year they are going to miss him so much they do already we all do its strange i never realised how much we saw of him until now when we dont see him at all. Well sanny we will always love you and your in our thoughts everyday and will be that way till we all meet again one day in the future but until that day rest in peace mother hen your boy the egg the chicken and the flea xxxxxxxxxxx
Sanny outside gregs and jessica photo taken by mia
Added by Anonymous
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