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Born:October 20, 1956
Sellersville, Pennsylvania
Died:July 22, 2003
Sellersville, Pennsylvania

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Paula Wilshe was a mother of 3, Devon, Caitlin and Brett. She just celebrated her 25th anniversary with Rick...her high school sweetheart.

She was an avid writer- she wrote her own stories (and got them published!) and also encouraged others to write by helping in any way she could. Besides her family and friends, some of her loves in life were her horses, her Outdoor Kitchen, her home (in which she grew up in), California, Starsky and Hutch, Mel Gibson, her job (not necessarily the job, but the people at it!!), writing, AOL:), her computer, the back porch, the FFC, Perfect Strangers, The Hudson Brothers, David Soul, Christmas and the snow...

Her idea of a perfect day would be one that included her family at home with a fire in the fireplace and snow on the ground. She was lucky enough to get that this year when they were snowed in on Caitlin's 20th birthday.

She made every holiday special by decorating the house...

She touched everyone she knew in different ways; her sense of humor was contagious.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

Hey Mama...
I miss you more and more everyday...I cannot believe this really happened. "A breath away's not far to where you are...As my heart holds you, just one beat away, I cherish all you gave me, everyday. 'Cuz you are mine, forever love, and you are watching over me from up above."
I love you,

Added by Caitlin

With each passing day I miss you more. I have only begun to understand how much you meant to me. You were my best friend, my soul mate and my dearest companion. Because of you I am a better person today. You touched many lives in many ways and are so very, very much missed by so many people, none more than me. I love you with all my heart forever.

Added by Anonymous

Paula, I miss you so. I feel like we were cheated. There are so many things that we were going to do together in our old age--watching old T.V. shows, going to horse shows, going out to breakfast, playing tunes on our guitars, just sipping coffee or iced tea on the back porch...You are my oldest and dearest friend...I've known you for most of my life...I cry for you often...Not having you nearby has left a big hole in my heart...How I wish you could still be here with us...
Added by Marnie

The snow reminds me of you....I miss you:(
Added by CW

"Merry Christmas darling
We're apart that's true,
But I can dream, and in my dreams
I'm Christmasing with you."

I miss you so much.

Added by Rick
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