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Born:March 1, 1956
New Jersey
Died:March 24, 2000
Phila, Pennslyvania

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Mary was born to Emily and Anthony Iatorola in New Jersey. She had 2 brothers and 1 sister. She had a loving husband norman and 3 beautiful children Brian Katie ands Kelly. She worked as a registerd nurse at Grandview Hospital.  She was a very kind hearted and loving women.  She would give the shirt off her back to a stranger.  On March 24, 2000  she lost to her battle of leukemia.  Shre was very strong willed to beat it but God choose her to be an angel up in the heavens.  Her memory will always live on in her familys heart and she is and always will be greatly missed WE LOVE U MOMMY!!!!!!

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Personal Notes

Mom, With every passing minute of every day I miss you even more than you can imagine. When the heavens took you i was devestated but now I know you are at peace and will not suffer any longer I love and miss u so dearly and I know you are my guardian angel up there above and will watch over me every step i take. I LOVE U AND MISS U MUCH your daughter always:(
Added by katie
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