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Born:August 12, 1982
Died:May 4, 1999
Wichita Kansas

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Ikeme was a very smart and talented daughter. She had the art of loving that touched many lives. When she turned 4 she wanted to go to prekindergarden but was refused becaue she was smart. I taught her the 23rd psalm at the age of 5 to say when she would have a nightmare. Little did I know that would be the same one she would use to comfort me. She was talented in singing like an angel and in drawing. Ikeme accepted God as her personal savior and was baptized at the age of 11. She also sang in the church chior. She continued school until the birth of her daughter Tyzariah Kaye-Lynn Rhymes 8lb 2oz baby girl. She lavished all the love on her daughter she could while attending school and workeding. She was a very good mother. I will see her again when God makes the call for me .

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