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Born:July 4, 1945
Died:September 29, 2003
Powder Springs,GA

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Thomas Garrett was a football player for the Atlanta Falcons in 1967-1968. He was the proud father of 5 girls. He had 17 grandkids, and 3 great-grandkids. He was the best Daddy that i could ever ask for. See i am the baby of the five girls. I love him more than he could ever imagine. Words cannot express how much he is missed. It has been 5 weeks tomorrow Monday Nov.3, 2003. I am so lost. We all loved him so much. Our lives will never be the same. I am glad that i had such a wonderful man, and Daddy in my life. Thank GOD i was able to have so much love.I will love and miss you until the day i see you again. I look forward to that day. You'll forever be missed.

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Personal Notes

Daddy i just want you to know that you are greatly missed. I am having a hard time going on with my life. I am so consumed in the loss of you. I wish you were here with us. I love you more than you could ever imagine. Daddy comfort us, and let us know that you are with us. I love you so much DADDY.
Added by Your baby girl punkin

Daddy, here i sit three months later. it is now 2004. it is hard. this is the first year i have not had you. i am so lost. i still am having such a hard time. they say that time helps, but they lied. i miss you even more every day. i love you so much. i wish you were here.
Added by punkin
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