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Born:April 1, 1985
Kaufman, Texas
Died:July 12, 2006
Glen Rose, Texas

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Sara Rana Thomas was a blessing to all who knew her.  Her life, though not near long enough, was shared with many loved ones and family members who will always remember her as being a ray of light in the darkest of days.  She is survived in death by her parents, Rod and Kim Thomas, and her younger sister Brittany, as well as many cousins and a large extended family.  Family requests that donations be made to First Baptist Church - Rockwall in lieu of flowers.
In awe of your beautiful face.
Added by Brennan

Sara and Ashley
Added by Brennan

Friends, Sisters
Added by Brennan
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

My sister... My best friend... My confidant... My love... What will I do without you?? I love you so much Rana... The ways you have touched my life will never be forgotten.. xoxo Always...
Added by Ashley

Sara, You were the love of my life. Baby, your beauty will not soon be forgotten. I pray that your love always keeps me warm, and that the memory of your grace and dignity will always be felt around me all the days of my life. I miss you so much blondie. All of my love forever, B
Added by Brennan

My baby girl,
I remember holding you as a newborn, not quite sure what I was going to do with you. It wasn't long before your strong will overtook my own life and took me on a ride I will n ever forget. You taught me so much about myself, and about life. Your life was a blessing to me. I love and miss you so much.

Added by Mommy
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