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Born:April 10, 1970
Died:November 9, 2000

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Damion at the age of 30yrs old had not lived to see all his dreams come true , yet damion lived and died for his true love and passion of motorbikes he wouldnt of had it any other way .damion died on a cold 9th nov morning returning from work he was knocked off his motorbike .damion was a gentle caring person whos love for his family and friends i hope will be reflected on this site . damion was a wonderful dad to his son lance  and was eagerly awaiting the birth of his daughter whom he did not live to see born .
damion touched the lives of all who knew him be it his cheeky grin or love for life and living it to the full with his friends or family .he leaves behind many broken hearts but also many beautiful memories and thoughts he lives on in spirit and is with us always as he promised .

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Personal Notes

damion my true love my best friend my fiancee .
you will always be in mine and our children lance and alexs hearts.
i love and miss you always
to him whom we loose
he is no longer where he was before
but is now wherever we are ......

Added by kath
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