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Died:Rutherglen ,Glasgow ,Scotland

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This is in memory of Ann Mother to jim,Steven,Mark, Karen Mcgauley she was loved more than she will ever no
Ann and Jim,Steven
Added by Agnes

Ann and Robert on there Wedding Day
Added by Agnes

Added by Agnes

Added by Agnes

ann jim.jpg
Ann and Jims Wedding Day
Added by Agnes

ann karen.jpg
Ann and Karen
Added by Agnes
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

You chose to leave this earth that early morning,
it was sudden you gave us no warning,
The pain was unbearable there was no place left for you to hide the world seemed horrible and you felt you had no one to confide, know you have traveled far away from this earth and all its woe,
the calling of an angel is why you had to go

Added by Agnes xxxxx
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