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Born:March 20, 1975
New York
Died:May 30, 2006
New York

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Wayne was a great man,what else can you say about him.Wayne grew up in Hicksville,New York.He attended Hicksville High School graduating fro there in 1993.Wayne went on to become an electrician and was employed for a few years by United Electric.He was an incredible electrician and was often called by his friends and co workers for electrical advice.He was able to wire anything.Wayne also like to build cars and trucks,well actually he could build or fix just about anything.He was areal speed demon and loved to modify his cars for speed and performance.While employed by United he decided to working a side job for his long time best friend John.Anyone who knew Wayne and John knew they were brothers from another mother.He started doing snow removal for John for a company called Bristol Snow Removal.Wayne loved the snow and loved to plow.He would just light up at the report of a snow storm.He was a great at it too,I know I was lucy enough to go plowing with him a few times.Wayne decided in 2005 to go out on his own and became a partner  in his first business venture All Phases Electric.The business was booming ,but started to encounter problems like most relationships do,partnerships are no different.Wayne again decided to go out on his own and leave behind All Phases in 2006 and start his own electrical company Northstar Electric.He had alot going on for him this year he left his childhood home in Hicksville with his mother to again go out on his own.He rented a great place in Medford,he was so excited about it.However he had alot of ups and downs the past year ,mostly downs.He was ready to start Northstar Electric when a few weeks later he was taken from us to soon.He passed on May 30,2006 at 4:42pm ,leaving behind many who loved him.
Wayne and Sandy (me)
Added by Anonymous

Wayne with some of the people he loved most his friends
Added by Anonymous

Wayne and his beloved Trans Am
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I love and miss you more than words can say.I only hope that you can see the sites that have been made for youand that you are at peace finally.I hope that the memorials help keep your spirit alive.I know that I will keep you in my heart ,soul and thoughts always.

Added by Anonymous

Wayne was a giving, caring, stand by and watch out for you kind of man. This is a huge tradgedy, to think that he took his own life when all he needed were his friends to be there for him in a deeper way than ever thought. If only he didnt have to reach out for help, if only we had seen further into his mind and thoughts on our own. Many broken hearts will never be mended. Heres to one of my best friends that ever existed, whom I do not know how to live without.

Added by Tara

Wayne, what can I say? I cant believe your gone. Many people are going thru great lengths to keep your spirit alive. You are forever in my heart. I love you and miss you more than you will ever know. We are going to meet again one day. I love you..
Added by Angie Baby


We miss you so much.

Added by Anonymous

You innocently allowed your Identity to be stolen by the "scum Bag" that crawls on this earth. But know, that you WAYNE, will always be alive in my mind and in my heart. The memories and love we shared are like a video that plays always. Thank you for being the loving Son that I never stop missing.

Added by Anonymous
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