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Born:March 9, 1936
sydney mines, nova scotia
Died:August 11, 2003
sydney mines, nova scotia

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our dad was the best. always there for you when you needed him.  He loved carpentry work and worked with his hands till he passed away at the age of 67 years.  he always had a kind heart for the less fortunate and would go out of his way to help them in any way he could.  he was the baby of 7 siblings and looked after his mother (our grandmother) till she passed away at the age of 94 years of age. although our father only had grade 6 education he knew so much and was an avid reader.  his favorite books were about the first and second world war. his father fought in the war and passed away when he was 64.  my dad was 4 years old.  he had 5 grandchildren when he passed away and loved them all dearly.  he lived for his two children darlene and david. we loved him dearly and he will be forever in our hearts.

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