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Born:November 3, 1933
Berkswell, near Coventry, England
Died:September 12, 1995
Clapham Common, South London, England

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Jeremy Brett was the definitive Sherlock Holmes.  He was born Peter Jeremy Willaim Huggins on November 3, 1933.  His father forbade him from using the family name when he became an actor  and so his last name came from the name of the maker of his suit, "Brett & Co."  He suffered from Bipolar Disorder and cancer.  He died September 12, 1995 in his sleep in his home in Clapham Common, South London.  He is sorely missed.  Requiescat in pace, Jeremy.
Sherlock Holmes Jeremy Brett.jpg
The Definitive Sherlock Holmes
Added by Sadie-Anne Christiansen

Jeremy and His Dog Mr Binks.jpg
Jeremy Brett and his dog Mr. Binks
Added by Sadie-Anne Christiansen
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

"Upwards and onwards!"-Jeremy Brett's personal motto
Added by Sadie-Anne Christiansen
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