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Born:February 22, 1940
Died:July 19, 1991

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This man was my grandfather. I was 2 yrs. old when he passed. Nearly everyday since then I have wondered who he was. I have heard many stories about him, all of which making him sound like an excellent man. It's just not the same though. I wish that I had gotten to know him that way I would have a story of my own to tell but i don't. I can tell you a couple of stories that I have heard about him though.

I have been told that one evening he was sitting in his favorite chair and I came crawling up to his feet. I stopped and looked up at him and smiled. He just sat there staring at me and then i said 'gampa' and he began to cry for that was my first word. He was so thrilled with me I soon became his favorite. Then on July 19,1991 3 days before my brothers b-day he died.

I had been his first granddaughter and two more soon followed. Many of his grandchildren he never made it to see.He left behind a wife,2 daughters,5 sons and lots more family and friends.He was loved by all who knew him and he loved all he knew.


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He is now and forever my guardian angel looking over me and guiding me in the right direction. I hope he forever and always looks over me and the rest of the people that loved him and he loved.
Added by Granddaughter
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