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Born:May 19, 1989
Died:August 8, 1998

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Amy-Lynne, was born at 2:30am weighing in at 8lbs 4ozs and 21inches long.she was our first born and only daughter.she was very smart growing up. made lots of friends wherever she went. she was'nt shy at all. she touched alot of hearts and made lots of friends. she had one friend that was so very close to her that she was like a sister since she didnt have any other sisters and neither did her friend.whereever each went the other would follow they were stuck like glue.she had 2 brothers Danny,DJ. and now a third has joined the clan Dylan. she was a mommy's helper and helped whenever she can and whatever she can. she helped teach her 2 brothers alot growing up. she loved to sing and dance.and she loved playing baseball

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We miss you oh so very much,you touched alot of hearts and those people that you touched miss you so very deeply. you will forever be in our hearts and never forgotten..
Added by Mom and Dad
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