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Born:July 7, 1976
Gadsden, Alabama
Died:September 4, 2006
Ragland, Alabama

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He was a loving son, father, brother, uncle, etc. He always made sure his little girl had what she wanted. He will be missed by so many. He always kept us laughing about something. He loved riding the 4-wheeler and playing with his daughter and nephews. He had such a kind and caring spirit. He worked at Wal-Mart and must have quit about every other day. We know he's in Heaven and that we will see him again soon. Until then, we will miss him dearly. We loved him so much.

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Personal Notes

Jason, I still can't believe this has happened to you and mom. I miss ya'll so much. I am helping take care of Summer, so don't worry about her. She, dad, the boys and even Wesly miss you also. Even though I know you will probably never see this message, it helps me to be able to write to you. I love you with all my heart, my loving brother.
Added by sister

I miss you daddy and I love you.
Added by Summer (daughter)

I miss you uncle Jason. I love you and miss you riding us on the 4-wheeler
Added by Kaeden ( nephew)

Jason, I can't believe you are gone. You and Stephanie and my boys grew up together, it just don't seem right for someone so young to leave this world. I know we'll understand it better by and by but right now it's hard, We all miss you, and I know you have your mom and maw maw with you and I know you are happy and running the streets of gold, Have fun in Heaven, See you Soon, Debbie
Added by Anonymous

Hey Jason, I hope you are having fun. We are all getting a little better. It's just so unreal still. I miss you everyday. I can't believe my brother is gone. You and mom talk to God about the situation with Summer. Tell mawmaw hey too. We'll be seeing ya'll soon. This world can't take much more. There's a reason this happened and we'll know one day. I love you.
Added by Stephanie

Hey. We went to court today and they put it off until April 16th. I know God will take care of it though. Was that u in the house the other night? I felt like it was. I miss u so much. I wished I could talk to u so bad. I give Summer daddy hugs all the time. She loves it. Dad and Drew went 4-wheeler riding today. I'm sure they thought of u and missed u. I think of u and mom everyday. I always tried to take care of u when u were sick and that day I couldn't do anything. I love u and miss u.
Added by Stephanie

I love you daddy. I am getting an orange Dora 4-wheeler for Christmas. I also saw it snowing the other day. I really miss you daddy. I love you. See you tomorrow daddy.
Added by summer

Hey brother. I really miss you. I couldn't go to sleep last night because I was thinking of you and mom. I still can't believe this has happened. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving and I know it will be so hard without ya'll. Summer is good. She said to tell you that she can write her own name now. She misses you so much. I love you so much and hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven.
Added by Stephanie
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