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Born:December 28, 1963
Chattanooga, Tennessee
Died:February 25, 2006
Chattanooga, Tennessee

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Stanley Wolfe will always be a unique and powerful influence in my life. Anyone that knew him would also agree that he was a highly intelligent man. He loved animals and people with all of his heart. He was a generous man, a true, honest, and beautiful person. 
He was a very loving person, and cared deeply for those that were close to his heart. He was a member of The
Highland Park Neighborhood Association, serving as a block leader. He was influential in lowering crime in his neighborhood. He loved his family, and his beautiful city.
He was an Honorary State Chairman of the NRCC's Business Advisory Council and, 2 days after his funeral,
he was named Small Businessman of the Year. There was a presentation ceremony in Washington,D.C. with President George W. Bush attending. Not that any of these things matter to him now: I simply felt the need for his friends and family to be aware of these facts for future reference.
Stan was a leader in every sense of the word. He was passionate about life, love, animals, people, helping others in any way he possibly could. He was a man with a
"get-it-done" attitude. He will be missed greatly. He will never be forgotten. And somehow, I think he knows
how much he affected people in such a positive way.

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