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Born:November 17, 1986
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Died:September 13, 2006
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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Seth Ryan Hunter,19, died September 13th, 2006. He was born on November 17th, 1986 in OKC to Scott and Angela Hunter, Seth worked at Shogun Steakhouse.  He is survived by his parents, scott and Angie; sisters, Tiffany and Scotti; brothers Gabriel & fiancee Kayla, and Benjamin; as well as many friends and other family.

Seth was killed at Lake Overholser. He had climbed over the railing and into a prohibited are along the south side of the dam. He slipped, and hit the concrete spillway, before falling into the reservoir below. He never resurfaced. His oldest brother, Gabe tried to save his life by swimming out into the reservoir. Rescue divers from the OKC Fire Department found Seth's body at about 9pm. Funeral services were held at Heritage Baptist Church on September 18th, 2006.

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Personal Notes

There are no words to describe how much I miss you or how much my heart hurts. It's so quite and so lonely here at the house with out you. I kept help but wonder, where you afraid, did you know what was happening? I guess this shows the pains of a mother's heart. I just pray that you went peacefully, and painlessly.

Love always,

Added by Angie Hunter (mom)
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