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Born:August 29, 1951
Nebraska, city unknown
Died:October 28, 2003
Hampshire, IL

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Unless more time is purchased to keep this memorial online, it will be removed from this website very soon.  Visitors will be unable to view this memorial, including any stories, photos, personal notes or other memorabilia that have been added to this web page.

As Scott's friend and future wife I am not in a position to tell his whole life story.  The part of Scott's life I shared was of love, goodness, and a bright future for him and I together.  He was my friend, my love, my lover, my hope, and my future.  He was my beginning for happiness and this terrible tragedy was the end of my earthly happiness. 

Scott is my guardian angel. Scott and I shared what most people spend a life time searching for and never find. We are soul mates and we are true loves.

I had fears of Scott's family accepting me and he always told me we needed no one's approval. I love you Scottie, now always and forever.

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Personal Notes

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