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Born:April 8, 1989
Died:July 8, 2006

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she was a fine little girl, she was liked by all who knew  her. Her plans was to graduate in Dec. She would go to school and also work 60 hrs in 2 wk period. She loved life. She was my angel, she was a advance student. Never had to open a book, she knew the answers all the time

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Personal Notes

through all the pain you put a smile upon my face. For you showed me God's grace. You were my guardian angel, my best friend. the Lord has come and taken me with him and its my turn to be your guardian angel and your best friend. Though a tear may fall with every memory, just remember that I'm in Heaven now and I am the angel you made me. You were my guardian angel my best friend.Now it's my turn to be your guardian angel and your best friend til the we meet again.
Added by mom
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