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Born:February 9, 1965
Died:October 7, 2006
Fall River, MA

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Kimmi was a wonderful Mom, wife and friend. Kimmi loved to help everyone. She loved cooking and was the best cook around. She could whip up a meal in a second. She loved gardening, crafts, baking and looking for bargian and bargain she found. Kimmi loved her family and really made sure they had the best. She cared for my brother, her husband with such love, it is so hard to explain.
re sized mom.bmp

Added by Anonymous

Grandson Xander & his puppy
Added by Jenn
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous

No item uploaded

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous

4D Devilish Grin 31 Wks.jpg
Xander Chase Moyer ... 31 Weeks
Added by Jenn

Sitting like a BIG boy.JPG
Grandson Xander
Added by Jenn
Personal Notes

Kim, we miss you so much. We know you are in Heaven taking care of everyone. Randy and the kids will be ok. We are going to take care of them for you.
Added by Love, Marie

Mom - we all love and miss you so much. I am comforted knowing you are looking down on us and that we will see each other again. You are and will always be in each and every one of our hearts. I LOVE YOU!
Added by Jenn

mom i miss you and love you so much!<33
Added by Kira <3

Kim, I know you are very happy in Heaven but you leaving us is so hard. Things are just not the same without you. We all miss you so very much.I know you are looking down at us and wanting us all to be happy but it is just so hard. Everytime my phone rings, I think it is you telling me about a bargain you found. We will see you again someday and this gives us all hope. God Bless and see you again someday!! Love and miss you very much.
Added by Love, Marie

please come back...
Added by Anonymous

Kim, You were not only my sister you were my best friend. I am lost without you, I miss the talks every night the sharing of each others happenings in life.What will we do without you?
I love you!

Added by Sherri

Kira & Brixton, Mom is in Heaven looking down at all of us. You both need to make Mom proud and do what you both know Mom would want you to do. You need to take care of Dad and make your life successful, not take the wrong path. You need to turn things around, right now, and make everyone proud of both of you. Each time you go to do something, you need to think this first, would this make Mom happy or sad? Dad needs you and he has lost your Mom too. He is hurting just like you are.
Added by a angel

Hi Kim it's me Suzy-Q. I miss you so much. I look at your picture everyday and it still hits me like a brick that your gone. I hope your watching over all of us. If it's possible is there a way you can give uncle randy the encouragement to keep going. He misses you so much. Please put in a good word for him, so he can start healing from your loss and the cancer. Kim, things are just not the same without you. We all wish you could come back.
Added by Suzy-Q
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