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Born:February 25, 1983
Stuart, Virginia
Died:April 24, 2003

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Tina loved life. She was the most fun loving young woman. She always could cheer you up.She won plenty of ribbons at the Patrick County fair. She sang in the high school choir. She was a member of the ROTCA. She was a member of the Lord's Church, Martinsville Church Of Christ.She loved everybody. She never met a stranger.She loved to play basketball in school.She was a cheerleader in elememtary school,was in some of the beauty pagants She couldn't wait until she turned 21 years old. She married Robby and they were so happy. She was only 20 years old when a drunk driver hit her car in a head on colision.It nearly killed her instantly. Everybody she ever met must have been at her funeral.
Robby and Tina
Added by Anonymous
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
In memory of Tina Hutchens.doc

Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Tina was more than my daughter. She was my best friend. I miss her so much. I hope one day to be with her again over on the other side.

Added by mom "Teresa Lawson"
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