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Born:October 30, 1953
Chicago, IL
Died:October 29, 2003
Chicago, IL

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Dan was born in Chicago, IL USA October 30, 1953 into an Evangelical Christian family. He had a three-year old sister, Janet(me), anxiously awaiting her baby brother's arrival. The family attended the Immanuel Evangelical Covenant Church every Sunday through his childhood and he accepted Jesus Christ as his Saviour and Lord of his life in his teen years.
Dan attended Hibbard Elementary School, Von Steuben Upper Grade Center, and North Park Academy for high school, finishing up at Von Steuben High School when North Park closed. He played on the football team at North Park for a time, though he admitted reluctantly that he mostly kept the bench warm.
Dan attended an Assembly of God church in his young adult years and sang in their choir. He was also a part of the Jesus People for a time. He especially loved to help care for the toddlers in the nursery at church and often told stories of cute things they did and how he enjoyed them so much.
He never married and had few serious girlfriends. He said it was because he was too analytical, and I think it was also because he wanted to succeed in marriage and only wanted a Christian woman for his wife. He was a bit shy early on in life, did not socialize much, and stopped attending church when his congregation moved outside the city to a new location. But he had some very good friendships with women and kept them up, over the years and across distances as far as all the way to Japan, as well as, in the his last couple of years, online.
Dan worked first at a die cutting company and then became an insurance agent, selling policies over the phone. He continued in the insurance business till shortly before he passed away.
Never having married, Dan lived at home. His father died at 50 years of age in 1976 and his brother (10 years his junior) died at 35 years of age. His older sister married in 1973 and had three children who Dan enjoyed. In the latter years, his mother was not well and he cared for her until she died.
Dan loved fishing, miniature golf, bird watching (informally), singing and food. Once he found he was good at playing pool that became his favorite activity and where he made many friendships.
Dan's heart was not strong. Before he passed away he was in the hospital and the doctors talked of a heart transplant, but he didn't stay around for that. The Lord took him home while he was still in the hospital, one day before his 50th birthday.
Dan left his sister, Janet, his nephews, Tony and Manuel, his niece, Eliza, and two great-nephews, Joaquin and Joshua. He also left many good friends who will miss him. The great promise that God gives us of a home in Heaven after this life is over is a great source of peace for his family. And the knowledge that one day they will all be reunited in Jesus' presence is their comfort and joy.

Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)
The EMail Dan Filled In About Himself.doc
Some Little Known Facts About Dan
Added by Janet, Dan's Sister

When I Say I Am A Christian (a poem)
Added by Janet Dan's Sister

About My "Uncle"
Added by Janet, Dan's Sister
Personal Notes

Being Dan's sister was always a pleasant and rewarding part of my life, especially as we grew up, left the bickering and fighting of siblings behind and found a dear friendship between us. He was three years younger than I so we shared a lot of things in our childhood. I remember being anxious that he learn to read so that we could read comic books with each of us taking a character and reading the dialogue.
Added by Janet, Dan's Sister

We shared a bedroom and bunk beds when we were small, enjoyed many a family vacation together, and he was always a brother I was proud of.
Dan was born in Chicago, IL and lived here his whole life. He never married and lived at home. He was a blessing to my mother, especially through her latter years.

Added by Janet, Dan's Sister (cont.)

My mom had polio as a child and as she aged the common symptoms of her ailment (difficulty walking, pain, etc.) along with the added problems caused by her weight, diabetes, and other aging difficulties made her more and more unable to get around. My brother was there for her, shopping, visiting her in the hospital daily when she was there, cleaning up after accidents she had.
Added by Janet, Dan's Sister (cont.)

This, along with working was his life and he did it lovingly and with very little complaining, save the infrequent frustrations he would share with me on the phone, just to unload a bit.
Dan loved fishing (we learned to fish with my father on most every vacation we had as a family) and would go alone many times to some local lake to sit and fish.

Added by Janet, Dan's Sister (cont.)

I went with him once. He, just like my father, never caught the "big ones" but enjoyed fishing just the same. I imagine them both in Heaven at some beautiful lake like one sees on the fishing shows on television, catching the fish they always just missed here on Earth.

Added by Janet, Dan's Sister (cont.)

In the last few years, Dan found great enjoyment in playing pool. He didn't drink but, since there aren't many places except bars that have pool tables, he would spend many an evening at Farragut's, a nice local establishment, honing his skill till, they tell me, he was rarely beaten. I think it is a blessing to find something one is good at, and Dan found that at the pool table. I was amazed after he died to meet so many of his friends from the bar who truly considered him a friend.
Added by Janet, Dan's Sister (cont.)

They said he was a good friend, a decent person, an intelligent man to talk with and a formidible pool player. One friend said that if he DID win a pool game against Dan, it was enough to give him a "high" for a whole week. :)
My brother was a loving and caring man. Even the less than pleasant relatives were "still family", as he'd say, and he treated them with love and respect.

Added by Janet, Dan's Sister (cont.)

When I had some rough spots in my life, he was there to listen, to sympathize and to pray with me and for me. We occasionally would meet for dinner and enjoy each other's company. Our family who all are still living here in Chicago, had either a birthday or a holiday to gather together for at least once a month, so we were all very close.
Added by Janet, Dan's Sister (cont.)
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