We love all our children but at the age of three Millie one of our youngest daughters had alredy learnt words from the year 2 curriculam. On 5th July 2006 i got the girls up and my only son for school. as usual they were all tired and grumbling. i dropped all my children off and went to work. at around about 12.30 i got a phone call from Millies school saying she was unwell. thinking nothing of it i sent her to bed. 2 days later it was her birthday but she was too tired to celebrate so her twin sister had to celebrate on her own. on the 9th July Millie was admitted ot hospital at 7.30 in the mornig, by 3.00 she had been diagnosed with AML which is a type of leukemia and by 5.30 she died in my eldest daughters arms.........we will always remember her as a blossoming tree. her ambition was ot become a rich wife with many children and live in spain.