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Born:May 27, 1969
Leonardtown, Maryland
Died:September 27, 2006
Pell City, Alabama

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Steve Fenwick was born on May 27th, 1969 in Leonardtown, Maryland to loving and devoted parents Charles and Dorothy Fenwick.  He had a brother, Charlie Fenwick and a sister, Bonnie Fenwick who loved him unconditionally. Steve was a graduate of Auburn University with a degree in Finance and Accounting.  He married the love of his life, Kirsten on December 11, 1993 and on January 22, 1995, his proud and joy was born, his son, Austin "Gage" Fenwick.  Steve spent his life making everyone around him smile.  He was a devoted, faithful and loving husband, father, son, uncle, brother and friend.  He loved the lake and golfing and hanging out with friends.  I think his favorite pastime was spending precious moments with our son, Gage out on the lake or skiing or just enjoying time with each other.  He will be loved and missed forever.

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
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Personal Notes

Steve, I could never love another as I love you. You and I were and will always be together and will always be soul mates. I will miss you more than your heart or spirit can ever comprehend.
Love, Kirsten

Added by Kirsten

Steve, I will love you forever. You will always be in my heart and my thoughts. You were a wonderful and loving son and you will live on in your son Gage. He is just like you. Thank you for giving us Kirsten, no one could be a more wonderful daughter, she is a very special person.
We love you, Mom and Dad

Added by Anonymous

Steve, even though I only got to meet you in person the one time I came to visit you always treated me like I had been friends with you and Kirsten for a life time. Kirsten is my best friend and I promise to you that I will always make sure her and Gage are ok, they both mean everything to me.You truly chose the best when you picked Kirsten and then again had the best when Gage was born and in return they had the best with you. Rest In Peace Steve...

Added by Jessica
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