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Born:April 21, 1941
Sherbrooke, Quebec
Died:September 27, 2006
Hamilton, Ontario

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God saw you getting tired, He did what he thought best;
He put His arms around you, And said, "Come and rest."
He opened up His golden gates, On that heartbreaking day;
And with His arms around you, You gently slipped away.
It broke our hearts to lose you, You did not go alone;
A part of us went with you, The day God called you home.

Jeannie Pacific died at Hamilton General Hospital after a short and sudden illness. She was born in Sherbrooke, Quebec and spent most of her life in Hamilton, Ontario. She is the daughter of Arthur Cote and the late Armande Cote (nee Clement) as well as sister to the late Aline Cote. Jeannie is survived by her 2 sons Michael and Kevin; 9 brothers and sisters: Nicole, Lisa, Allan, Maurice, Theresa, Micheline, Denis, John and Albert. She will also be remembered by her many nieces and nephews, notably Suzanne, Steven, Scott, Mark, Richard, John, Cynthia and Thomas. She has been cremated at White Chapel and laid in her final resting place on October 3, 2006 beside her Mother Armande in the Garden of Faith on the grounds of the White Chapel Cemetery in Hamilton.

Jeannie was loved by many for her kind and loving nature. She was thoughtful, positive and devoted, never missing an opportunity to appreciate friends and family. She loved to dance and couldn’t resist at least tapping her toe to a good song. It was well known that she would show up to any function with a home cooked treasure, ready to have a great time. She enjoyed traveling and was fortunate to have visited several countries. Things didn’t always go as planned for her, but when “life dealt her lemons, she made lemonade“.
They say that every person is born into the world to do something unique, and if she does not do it, it will never be done…Her purpose was to be the best Mother to Kevin and Michael, always fighting and working hard to give them the best she could.
Some people come into our lives, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never the same.

To Friends and Family:
Don't grieve for me, for now I'm free; I'm following the path God laid for me.
I took His hand when I heard Him call; I turned my back and left it all.
I could not stay another day, To laugh, to love, to work or play.
Tasks left undone must stay that way; I found that place at the close of day.
If my parting has left a void, Then fill it with remembered joy.
A friendship shared a laugh, a kiss; Ah yes, these things, I too will miss.
Be not burdened with times of sorrow I wish you the sunshine of tomorrow.
My life's been full, I savoured much; Good friends, good times, a loved one’s touch.
Perhaps my time seems all to brief; Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.
Lift up your heart and share with me, God wanted me now, He set me free.
I am with you always.

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