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Born:November 8, 1925
Dothan, Alabama
Died:October 27, 2003
Brentwood, California

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There are so many good memories.  I'll begin with having new friends (Mike & Chris) from Alabama whom we had met our first Sunday at Union Church in Manila, P. I.  Mike was so happy to welcome us to his adopted home.  There wasn't anything to object to about this tall handsome man except that he had gone to college at Auburn!  Whereever it was, they taught him quite a bit about electronics and engineering!
After a few dozen bridge games with this genius we were introduced to the major players of the city - Bert Teehankee, Melding Soriano, Lydia,and Fira Gleeck, to name a few. I don't want to leave out Juancho Gallego, or Baby many people who admired Mike, who could set up any bridge tournament without even blinking an eye. The scenes were at the Army-Navy Club, the Club Espanol, Seafront. It didn't faze the man who was a mathematical whiz kid. He knew all the movements required for the games. . Mike gave of his time with great patience. He loved his family, and took care of Mary in her last days. His last words to me were "Read the manual" All I wanted was a quick lesson in how to play the keyboard from a man who was able to build organs from kits! I admired him from the first meeting on. He was a MAN to depend on! Sarah Terry Anderson

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