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Our dear friend Khan:
What a wonderful person you were.
Your smile lit up the room.
People looked forward to seeing you.
We miss you!
loving son, grandson, nephew, uncle, brother, and friend.
Added by chi nu
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Personal Notes

I remember Khan as always being friendly.
He used to come up behind me and massage my shoulders while I played poker.
He was someone you were always glad to see.

Added by Linda

Khan was the kind of guy that I always look for. He was a delight to be around. I for one will miss him, and I don't miss very many people. Hope to see ya again my friend.
Added by Cecil

You were the same age as my oldest boy..but I felt more like you were my brother..I miss you Khanhman...more than you will ever realize...

Added by Mike

I miss you so much. may you find peace and rest in our Lord and savior Jesus Christ. I look forward to his return so I can see you again.
May all who is hurting look to christ for salvation.

I love you...Your big sis...

Added by Anonymous

I'm thinking about you every moment of the day, brother. I love you. My only comfort is in the hope of Jesus Christ. Thru him I will see you again.
Added by Chi nu... your big sis.

Kahn, we all loved you. You were an inspiration to be around. You seemed to light up the room when you entered. You will be missed everyday for the rest of our lives. Save a chair at the tables for us. God Bless you, see you soon.
Added by Pam and Grandma

To all who knew and love Khan. Thank you for being his family away from home. You share in our lost. We miss him so much. Our hope of seeing Khanh again In Christ Jesus is such comfort. We are so thankful for having to know him.
Added by Thuy - big sis's been almost a year and my heart still breaks every time i think of were my good friend,and my kids thought the world of you,and they miss you too.we have lots of fun memories of all the fun times in the office karate chops and all, and when i hear someone call me mego it just doesnt feel the same as when i heard it from you. we will always miss you an love you. so long friend i'll be seeing you.
Added by megan and cecily
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