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Born:February 16, 1920
Died:July 14, 2006
Chillicothe, Ohio

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This memorial page is in memory of our mother who left this world all too soon. She was married to John F. Woodruff for 67 years, and together they raised 8 children.. Normajean, Ronnie, Roger, Carolyn, Janet, Dwight, Cheryl, and Marty. She had numerous grandchildren.. David, Rick, Steven, Karen, Theresa,(Magill).. Brent, Deanie, Jeremy, Amy (Page).. Lisa,(Zellers).. Heather,(Woodruff),.. and Jennifer and Michelle (Duffy). She left behind numerous great grandchildren, and a great-great grandaughter. Helen will be missed by all who knew her. She never met a stranger. We love you mom.

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Personal Notes

Mom, I hope you are looking down from heaven, and know how much I love and miss you. Things will never be th same with you gone. I know you are in a better place fre from pain, and with Ronnie, Grandma, and Otis, but it hurts so bad. I know you want us to get past it, but give us time. I love you mom.. always did, always will.
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