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Born:July 16, 1977
Regensburg, Germany
Died:September 30, 2006

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Andrew always said that the greatest blessing God ever gave him was the chance to be raised as an American. He loved school, church, work, and most of all he loved his family. He held majors in theater arts, biology, atmospheric science, and geology, and he was always determined to have at least six more before he died. He worked as a theater actor and singer since he was fourteen and he stayed with that company until his death.

I hope that he will be remembered for his dedication to his family above all else. He gave everything he had to help them in their time of need, he gave all of his time, energy, money, and love to see that his father and siblings were well cared for.

In September of 2006, Andrew was diagnosed with a rare form of Mesothelioma, believed to have been caused by time he spent in the mines.

On September 30th of 2006, his struggle ended.

Andrew saw to it that his family will always be well cared for even after his passing, but in addition to that, he also left tens of thousands of dollars to charities which he worked for and/or felt passionately about:

Steve Barton Foundation
AIDS prevention in the U.S.
Darfur Relief
Humane Society

At his funeral, his family chose to play recordings of Andrew singing his favorite songs, one of which you'll find below. It would be wonderful for visitors to take a minute to listen to it, it was his favorite song. You'll also see a beautiful pic of him submitted by his little brother.

Andrew was one of the most amazing human beings I've ever known. Just knowing that people like him can exist gives me hope for manking. Thank you so much, Andrew! I still love you.

When tomorrow starts without me
and I'm not here to see...
If the sun should rise and find your
eyes filled with tears for me,

I wish so much you wouldn't cry
the way you did today...
While thinking of the many things
we didn't get to say.

I know how much you love me,
as much as I love you...
And each time you think of me,
I know you'll miss me, too.

But when tomorrow starts without me,
please try to understand...
That Jesus came and called my name
and took me by the hand,

And said my place was ready
in heaven far above...
And that I'd have to leave behind
all those I dearly love.

So when tomorrow starts without me,
don't think we're far apart...
For every time you think of me,
I'm right here in your heart.
Memorabilia (audio, video, files, documents, etc.)

Added by Anonymous


Added by Anonymous
Personal Notes

Thank you so much to Trevor, who helped me get the bits and pieces to put this together. It means the world to me. Love you lots.
Added by Me

Thanks "Fabala" for taking all the time to put this together. Our entire family appreciates it. You are a blessing 2 my family & have been since u & my brother 1st got 2gether.
Added by Trev
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